Refund Policy

Reason for refund Needs to be reported within: What part of subscription do we refund?
Bought the wrong subscription 7 days of purchase full months left over excludes current month
Sub standard service anytime full months left over excludes current month
Not what I expected anytime full months left over excludes current month

Refund Policy

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, please feel free to refund your suscrption any item

In addition to our returns policy, the following statutory return situation may apply to you:

Section 44 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act may apply to your order.

Section 44 is only applicable if you are a natural person – in other words, a human being. You must also be the end user of the service. If you qualify as a consumer under the ECT Act, you may be entitled to cancel some electronic transactions within seven days, without reason or penalty.

Incorrect Subscription.

We will refund your subscrption which will exclude the current month.

  • For example: You bought a 3 full months subscription which included days in the current month, We will only refund the 3 full month and not the days in the current month.
  • Your Facecard will remain active untill your reamining subscription for the current month ends.

  • How it's done

      For Admins

    • Sign into your Admin Account.
    • On the home screen got to Invoicing.

      For Facecards

    • Sign into your Facecard.
    • Go Subscription.
    • Click on Request Refund.
    • We will display your refund amount.
    • Enter your card details.
    • Submit.